*NEW* When Essential Oil Companies Fail You
If you've been following this series you've been armed with the right questions to ask when checking out an essential oil company, as well as the warnings you should be seeing for ten popular essential oils. Some of you have been disappointed in the lack of transparency when it comes to essential oil safety precautions, and don't blame you!
As a Certified Clinical Aromatherapist who doesn't sell essential oils, I'm going to address why it matters that a company provides proper safety info, and what to do about it. I'm also going to touch on GC/MS and third-party testing, and the myth that "you get what you pay for."
And at the end of the episode we'll talk about what the term "therapeutic grade" means - and why it was banned.
New to Using Essential Oils Safely? Start Here!
Lea introduces you to essential oils inside her bite-sized "Introduction to Essential Oils" classes. The content can be viewed, read, or listened to whenever it's convenient for you so you can start learning how to use essential oils safely today!
How to Choose the Best Essential Oil BRAND!
As a Certified Clinical Aromatherapist, who doesn't sell essential oils, and the person who pioneered 3rd party testing, I'm the perfect person to guide you through the controversial question, "What brand is best?"
Using Essential Oils Safety with PETS
There's a lot of misinformation out there about using essential oils with pets. Are essential oils safe around pets? Is it OK to diffuse if you have a cat in the house? Is Tea Tree really safe around dogs, or not? What about using with bunnies, fish, or birds?
DISCLAIMER: You may have a serious health issue that requires medical attention. The information provided is for educational purposes and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified health provider about any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking care because of something you have read here. Read full disclaimer here.
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