What the APP looks like...
Our APP is accessible via a password-protected login with any device (best viewed on desktop), contains pop-up profiles, and the ability to search and filter any safety issue, contraindication, and interaction!
Click "Filter" at the top and view ONLY the essential oils you want to! Search for contraindications, interactions, and more!
Some example filters:
Safe for ALL AGES TO INHALE: 216 essential oils!
Safe for ALL AGES TO USE TOPICALLY: 190 essential oils
Safe for PREGNANCY: 206 essential oils!
Safe for DOGS: 95 essential oils!
NO TOPICAL MAX: 145 essential oils!
CARCINOGENIC: 9 essential oils!
BLOOD THINNING: 22 essential oils!
Contraindicated with EPILEPSY: 13 essential oils!
And more...or a combination of the above! Safe for all ages + safe for dogs + no topical max, etc.