If You Are Using Essential Oils Around Your Pets, You Could Be Putting Them At Risk!
There's a lot of misinformation out there about using essential oils with pets. Are essential oils safe around pets? Is it OK to diffuse if you have a cat in the house? Is Tea Tree really safe around dogs, or not? What about using with bunnies, fish, or birds?
As a Certified Clinical Aromatherapist, I know the benefits of essential oils as well as the safety, and on this page you'll find a collection of classes you can use to take steps today to enjoy essential oils safely with your furry friends.
Whether you’re a reader, a visual learner, or a podcast listener, this content has been crafted for every learning style so you can start using essential oils safely today!
Using Essential Oils Safely with PETS
(free classes!)
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You don't have to figure it out alone!
Hi! I’m Lea Jacobson, a Certified Clinical Aromatherapist. I don’t sell oils - I love teaching people how to use them safely.
The free classes above are excerpts from my book, Using Essential Oils Safely with Dogs. I hope you enjoy them!
I’d love to meet you and introduce you to people just like you who are on the journey to using essential oils safely.
DISCLAIMER: You may have a serious health issue that requires medical attention. The information provided is for educational purposes and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified health provider about any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking care because of something you have read here. Read full disclaimer here.
© 2024 Lea Jacobson, CCA | Using Essential Oils Safely | UEOS, LLC | All Rights Reserved.