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No more overwhelm and feeling stuck.

No more wasted essential oils.

Expert training from Certified Clinical Aromatherapist Lea Jacobson that will save you time, save you money, and give you peace of mind you're in the right place no matter which brand you use!


Weekly classes on essential oils, carriers, hydrosols, and all the things you need to know to be your own expert! Attend LIVE or watch the replay, download the audio, read the transcripts, or print class materials when your needs arise.


It used to be that "Dr. Google" or full-blown aromatherapy certification were the only choices - until Lea's affordable certification-level classes became available.


1:1 training with Lea would normally be hundreds of dollars per class! 

Daily access to Certified Clinical Aromatherapist Lea Jacobson via private student community so you can pick the brain of an expert in essential oils whenever you have questions (Lea LOVES questions!). She knows the shortcuts and can save you endless hours searching google - go to her directly!


This is the most direct way to work closely with Lea!


Stop relying on mass-produced (and massively unsafe!) recipes and dig right into expertly formulated recipes for all your needs. No more wasting precious oils when you access safe and effective family safe recipes.


Create recipes today that you can have on hand (bee stings, bug bites, kitchen burns?), and have peace of mind knowing when your needs arise, Lea has a recipe for you!


These recipes, normally $75 or more each, are included with CLUB membership! Members have permission by Lea to create products with her expert formulations and sell the products (but not the recipes!).

No more endless hours on search engines scrolling conflucting and confusing information. Go right to the expert!

Enrolling in the VIP CLUB is for you if...

  • You want to save time - you're tired of wasting time trying to figure it out on your own 

  • You want to be sure you're getting expert information - no more wondering if that well-meaning advice/recipe will help or harm

  • You need recipes that work, and are also safe for the whole family

Access this incredible resource and have peace of mind knowing when a situation comes up requiring essential oils as a tool, you'll know exactly where to grab safe, reliable recipes and information!

This CLUB includes everyone from busy parents to health care professionals and aromatherapists who are looking for professional resources to get results fast.


LIVE WEEKLY CLASSES so you can progress in your education on a regular basis + access to recordings, audio downloads, transcripts, and printable class materials - $450 value

DAILY ACCESS TO A CERTIFIED CLINICAL AROMATHERAPIST so that you have expert advice + peace of mind when you need it - Priceless

24/7 ACCESS TO RECIPES COLLECTION with more than 250 recipes expertly formulated to be safe for the whole family + substitutions + custom requests - 250 x $75 = $18,750

 $19,375+ value 




Imagine knowing the right essential oils to use every time - all because you made the choice to join the CLUB!

"Your scar recipe is amazing!! My six-year old had a deep scratch that wasn’t healing, so I asked my friend (who has all the oils) to make me a roller ball with your exact recipe. A week later, my husband said, “don’t bother her with the roller ball, his scar is gone.” I laughed so was gone because I’d already been using the roller for three days!!"



As you think about how I can help you, take a look at the results some of the members have had inside the CLUB:


​I helped Em who asked for help with anxiety for an 11yo who is watching her father fight a lymphoma


Melanie got help when she asked for a cough recipe for her 2 year old


Pat was able to help a friend who tried many things for her muscle aches. This friend told Pat my recipe for muscle aches was "the best thing" she has tried.


Sharon finally found something to help the hot flashes she has been battling for 17 years.

"I got an extremely bad case of poison ivy two weeks ago...I am antibiotic resistant. I don’t know what I would have done if I hadn’t found your anti itch recipe! It saved my sanity!! It worked extremely well. I can’t thank you enough!!!"

Jo Ann


"This [Roller Bottle for Bug Bites] is the recipe that finally changed my husband's mind about essential oils.... the "gateway" blend! Lol! After this recipe convinced him that eos can work, he started letting me make him more blends and then even requesting more blends, when he would have typically used something over the counter. He has stopped using OTC creams (cortisone, and anti-fungals) and asks me to bring the oils when we go on trips. Total convert, just because of this recipe. Thank you for sharing it with us!"



"These recipes are AHMAZING! I have been using the chest rub on my teen son who is getting over mono and had a relapse. He has been so congestion with a ton of phlegm. He is feeling a million times better! I've been using the chest rub and the steam inhalation for my congestion from a cold. I have the sniffles but I don't have that awful cold feeling...thank you Lea!"



Enroll today to participate LIVE. Can't join us? Catch the replay! All classes come with downloadable PDF handouts. VIP+ level receives the limited edition prints and exclusive stickers!


Screenshot of "Searchie" tool used inside the CLUB to search each video (and ALL of them) for keywords you choose. Download video, audio, and transcripts - saving you time finding what you need.

Recipes that WORK based on Lea's signature S.T.A.R. system gives you fool-proof formulas every single time!

I was overwhelmed. I didn't know where to begin. I wanted to know what essential oils I could use for what issues, but searching online and even in books left me confused.


I tried cross-referencing the most popular books, deciding that if most of the books agreed X essential oil was good for Y health issue, it must be true. 


After spending hours doing it this way, I realized this approach was faulty, as most of those authors were reading off each other's notes and were just repeating the same info in different ways.


I tried searching online, and found there's a lot of people not properly certified repeating information cranked out by sales departments of companies selling essential oils to push a sale. I didn't feel good about that.


I knew I had to do something! So I went back to the drawing board. And then I had an idea...


It was going to be a lot of work, but as I was responsible for safe and accurate information for a large group of essential oil users, I wanted to do it right, and this was really the only way. I stopped using google, I stopped referencing the popular aromatherapy books, and I got to work. 


Years later, my spreadsheet is full of expertly-researched information (think PubMed and medical journals) that I access daily using my signature STAR system for selecting the right essential oils for various health issues.


It feels so good to know that my work has paid off! I have thousands of happy responses to my expertly formulated recipes, and can quickly create solutions to any problem that essential oils are known to help with.


How can I help you?

Psst - can I tell you a secret? The key to the STAR system is knowing the therapeutic properties each constituent has, and at what percentage, so you can select the essential oils with the most effect and not one that just has some affect. I have all that noted in my spreadsheet which has guided me in creating the perfect formula, so when I craft the recipe with how to use, the dilution, where to apply and how often, I have a winning recipe with excellent results every time!


Now that you know how I do it, you might want to do the same thing. Don't reinvent the wheel - take the wheel! I'm extending the keys to you - just take them and go wherever you want! I've done the hard work for you.

© 2021 Lea Jacobson, CCA | Using Essential Oils Safely | UEOS, LLC | All Rights Reserved.